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Recap of September pack meeting and Mitchell JSN
Posted on Sun, Sep 18, 2016
The year is off and rolling. Hope all our scouts are out selling selling selling so we can achieve our end year goal to visit the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
- Septmber Pack meeting was strongly attended at Tigerk, Webelos and Arrow of Light ranks
- We did a uniform inspection and shared a lot of tips - all in good fun
- The boys worked on the Scout Oath and Law
- Huge thanks the the Mecca Family and Vincent Mecca as well as the Divine family, and Jackson Divine for working very hard on recruitment. 13 scouts joined as a result! Vincent and Jackson, you boys did a very good job and I am putting you both in for a special Circle Ten Council BSA Recruiter Patch. This is a very special patch that you two will practically never see on another scout. CONGRATULATIONS ON THIS ACHIEVEMENT.
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