Please see this info and tell us your interest
Pack 404 Parents, please read and let us know if you would be interested in a pack trip to the Johnson Space Center.
For information, costs, and what the pack can cover: Please see calendar event:
- < >We will tour Johnson Space Center, hear a speakers, and see content that is specifically geared toward scouting
- We will have a free dinner, and camp out on location. We will share info as soon as available if any other free meals, but plan on mobile breakfast Saturday, sack lunch, free dinner, danishes, coffee, juice (pack provided) on Sunday, and sack lunch for the trip back.
- Packing efficiently/lightly for a 1 night stay is critical - two families in a car with 2x the usual gear will be very difficult to fit… please keep in mind
- < >Costs are $60/scout or sibling and $50/adult.
- The pack is budgeting to be able to handle SCOUT costs, however as mentioned earlier in the year, depends on fundraising.
- We did not generally meet our fundraising goals with a large enough surplus to pay for storage locker rental and other fixed operating costs through the summer and into next year
- However, we do have several families who are going to be participating in Spring Fundraiser as they were unable to participate in Fall.
In conclusion, a gage of your interest, our pack financial picture today, and our expectations for Spring fundraising will all determine whether we can fund the scout admission costs for the event.
To indicate your interest so we can firm up plans, please use this link: